Friday, March 1, 2013

[TWITTER] 130301 SE7EN's Twitter Updates

SE7EN'S Twitter Updates:
1. Independence Movement Day
2. 벌써 삼월이네요.. 기사내용대로 저 이번달 입대합니다!! 21개월동안 여러분들과 소통할수없으니 가기전까지 트윗 많이할게요!! 궁금한점 하고픈말 남겨주시면 틈틈히 답멘도 할게요^^
3. 3월 9일 토크콘서트티켓 못구하신분들.. 잠시만요~~~
4. 3월 9일 토크콘서트 백퍼센트 저의의견으로^^ 본공연에앞서 3시공연 1회 추가합니다!!! 사정상 본공연과는 조금 다르게 Preview show로 진행될예정입니다!! 예매실패한 럭세여러분 이번엔 꼭 성공하길바래요^^ 다음주 월요일 저녁8시 광클광클!!

1. Independence Movement Day
2.  It's already March .. Articles as enlisted me this month!, Since I wont be able to communicate with you all for 21 months! Please leave your questions and I'll also reply ^ ^
3.  For those who werent able to get a ticket for my talk concert on 3/9.. Wait a minute~~~
4.  Through my 100% opinion on my concert on 3/9^^ I will add one more additional concert!!! Because this is a preview show it'll be different and its still in progress!! For Lucky7 who failed to get tickets,pls successfully get one this time^^ Ticketing on Monday next week at 8 in the evening!!

Via: SE7EN's Twitter

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